The foundation for our success

Fair pay, including voluntary social benefits, individual working time models, an extensive range of STIHL training options and exemplary health and safety: At STIHL, we do a great deal to motivate our employees and earn their loyalty for the long term. The above-average length of service at STIHL is just one of many results that demonstrates our success in this respect.

Education: Investing in the future

The continuation of our pioneering spirit and innovative strength will only be possible if STIHL has enough highly qualified and well-trained employees in the future. That is why STIHL takes on large numbers of apprentices and participates in long-term educational projects with schools and universities; these initiatives serve to create our specialists and prepare them for professional careers – and as such lay the foundation for our future success.

Employees and education

Expanding knowledge:
Training and development

Training has traditionally taken a high priority at STIHL. Year after year young people start their training in technical or commercial professions with us. In cooperation with the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University, we train young academic talent in practice-based courses. Once these are completed, trainees and graduate apprentices are ready and able to work in skilled roles and launch successful careers. We also think lifelong learning is extremely important: STIHL provides a wide range of training and development options so that all employees have the opportunity to continually expand their skills and enhance their strengths.

Employees and education

Worldwide training based on the German model

STIHL has a long and successful history when it comes to training and apprenticeships, especially at its main site in Germany. The model has proven so successful there that the same approach has also been introduced at international STIHL locations in recent years. In the USA, for example, training by STIHL Inc. offers many young people a unique opportunity to enhance their career prospects. The STIHL plant in Brazil introduced training based on the German model in 2013, while in the STIHL plant in Qingdao, China, we launched an internship program together with the Chambers of Commerce Abroad back in 2011.

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Encouraging talent at an early age:
Educational partnerships

STIHL is committed to supporting students in their career choices and fostering their aptitudes and talents early on. In Germany this is evident from the company’s various educational partnerships with high schools, as well as other initiatives. STIHL entered into an educational partnership with Friedensschule Neustadt back in 2003, Staufer-Realschule in Waiblingen (Germany) in 2011, and Gustav-Stresemann-Gymnasium in Fellbach (Germany) in 2019.

An early introduction to the diversity of available careers

Practical training projects give pupils the chance to learn about the variety of career paths available at an early stage. This serves as practical guidance to help them identify the right field, and so to usefully inform important decisions particularly with regard to dual study and dual training programs.

Education and employees

Fairness in our work together – to support long service with the company

Our “with each other – for each other” corporate culture embraces fair dealings in a spirit of partnership, with collegial support and open communication. This sets the stage for sustainably positive cooperation, which is reflected in our above-average length of employee service. This is something we are particularly proud of. Closeness with our employees is also demonstrated by the fact that employees celebrating work anniversaries are traditionally honored by the Executive Board and the owning family. We celebrate anniversaries together, with colleagues, managers and family.

Employees and education

Minimize risks: Health and safety

Health and safety is always a central concern at STIHL. To safeguard health and safety, we have supplemented statutory health and safety regulations with internal company policies. Furthermore, in workshops and training sessions we teach our employees and trainees to identify risks at an early stage so they can actively prevent accidents at work.

Occupational health and safety

Our sustainability guidelines also include protecting and promoting the health of our employees. The STIHL health service offers professional occupational health care. Benefits of this include medical examinations, provision of safe and healthy workplaces, as well as health advice. 

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